varicose veins


The most common changes in veins are varicose veins, so-called varicose veins. The Bonn Vein Study published in 2003 is the first detailed investigation into the epidemiology of venous diseases and has clearly shown that we are dealing with a widespread disease. Only 10% of the people examined had no changes, and 17% already had an urgent need for treatment. But only 7% have had vein surgery.

Why do you get varicose veins?

Genetic predisposition plays a major role in the development of varicose veins. If both parents are affected, there is an 80% chance that the offspring will also be affected. Other stressful factors that lead to the development of visible varicose veins are obesity, hormone treatments (pill), pregnancy, standing or sitting work and little exercise. If left untreated, the condition slowly worsens, which can lead to numerous symptoms such as phlebitis, swelling of the legs, microcirculation disorders with skin changes, leg ulcers and thrombosis.

What are the first signs?

The first signs of a venous disease, the so-called chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), are subtle and often overlooked. Typical are dilated veins (spider veins) in the ankle region, heavy feeling in the legs during the day, tendency to swell in the ankle area, itching and stasis eczema in the lower leg area.

When should you definitely go to a vein specialist?

Are varicose veins just an aesthetic problem?

No! Dilated veins with leaking valves are not pretty and bother women more than men, but they are a danger to leg health. It is a hemodynamic malfunction that can lead to serious consequences. The chronic congestion in the leg veins also leads to changes in the skin with itching, eczema, hardening of the tissue and also to a disruption of the microcirculation in the skin. Venous leg ulcers (Ulkus cruris venosum) can form.

Which examinations can be carried out for clarification?

The examination of the veins is completely painless. With a special vascular ultrasound (color duplex), the condition of the veins and venous valves, as well as the blood flow, can be assessed very precisely. In dilated veins, the venous valves leak and a harmful backflow develops, which leads to high pressure in the veins. This painless examination can clarify exactly where the problem is, which veins are affected, how far the disease has progressed and which treatment method would be most suitable to solve the problem and normalize the vein function again.

What treatment methods are there?

Individual consultation

Individual consultation: We would be happy to consult you extensively on the individual examinations and treatment options in one of our offices. You are also welcome to schedule an appointment online.